About us

Welcome to Gagster

Our mission is to make people laugh. We create fun and funny gag toys with one goal in mind: to make you smile. We want you to indulge in our nonsense – not to the point of breaking the bank, but just enough to tickle your funny bone.

Our Journey

It all started with our founder, a former copywriter driven by a simple desire to create funny stuff. This wasn’t your average writer; they were constantly tasked with challenges like, “Write something funny that will get young people to like our bank, but not too funny because we are a bank.” This unique blend of humor and restraint laid the groundwork for Gagster’s distinct character.

Back in 2015, they took a leap of faith, starting with printing humorous designs on toilet paper rolls. Yes, toilet paper! This quirky beginning was just the start. What began as a small toilet paper venture blossomed into an international brand, renowned for crafting unique products that spread joy and laughter.


We Are Going To Make Toilet Paper Great again! (and much more)

At Gagster, we specialize in gag gifts that do more than entertain – they create lasting memories. Our expertise lies in crafting items that provoke laughter, ranging from our famous Trump toilet paper (proud to be the first!) to a growing assortment of political gag gifts. Take a peek at our top sellers on our website, and keep an eye out for more hilarious products and ingenious inventions on the horizon.

A Special Bond with Our Fun-Loving Fans

Do you have a playful, childish sense of humor? Then we adore you! How about a marriage proposal? Just kidding – we’re not quite ready for commitment. But seriously, we do love you and your appreciation for a good laugh.